Installazione digi-vegetale
Milano, Caffé Trussardi
Tra le tante proposte a latere del salone del mobile c’era anche Le mur végétal, opera di greenery dell’artista belga Patrick Blanc che ha trasformato il dehors del Caffé Trussardi in un vero cubo vegetale. Un’installazione effimera quanto vitale: superfici verticali ricoperte da sacche di feltro imbevute di tutte le sostanze di cui le piante abbisognano. Si dice sempre che a Milano manchi il verde! Per saperne di più, www.verticalgardenpatrickblanc.com
Between the great bulk of proposals during the Milan forniture fair there was also Le mur végétal, a greenery work by the Belgian artist Patrick Blanc who has transformed the dehors of the Trussardi’s Caffé in a real vegetal cube. An site-specific installation as ephemeral as vital: vertical glass walls have been covered by felt soaked by all the elements that the plants need. When we says that Milan has a lack of green! For further information, www.verticalgardenpatrickblanc.com